Doubles/Singles Draw Generator for club days and social events
What is the Social Doubles Format?
The Social Doubles format is suited to social matches and club play where flexibility is required across multiple skill levels. Matches can be generated for up to 25 courts and 20 rounds.
Players often arrive (and leave) at different times and want a variety of match types (eg doubles, mixed doubles).
The standard social doubles format generates matches based on 'Rounds'. This is where all available players are placed in a match (where the number of courts permits) and all matches in the round start at the same time. The number of rounds and courts are selected and these can be updated at any time. This format allows players to opt out of a round and will be placed "on the bench".
There is a a choice of the preferred type of match to be generated for each round to allow a mix of different match types.
The Club Pack allows clubs to generate matches on an 'Up Next' basis. This is convenient when you don't require all matches to start at the same time or where there is a large number of courts and organizing matches in rounds takes too long to get all players on and off the court. 'Up Next' will allow you to generate the next match from the pool of players available. Once a court become free, the next match is assigned to the court. The players from the completed match are placed back in the pool.
A new format called "King of the Court" was recently introduced. After the first round, winners will move up a court (except those already on court 1) and losers will move down a court (except those on the lowest court). All partners will split up and become opponents. The number of available players must be a muitiple of 4 with enough courts to accommodate all players (no byes). The next round can be generated once all scores are entered (no draws).
Social SIngles is a new addition to MatchUp.
The playoff options currently available in Round Robin formats is also now available for social play.
Set the number of rounds & courts or generate 1 round at a time
Set the preferred match type for each round & Press GO to generate the matches
Matches will be displayed. Swipe from the left to edit a match
Generate another round when you are ready by selecting the 'preferred match type' button and then GO
Up Next
Set the number of courts & preferred match type for 1st set of matches & press GO
Assign court automatcially or manually
Mark match as 'Completed ' when the game is over
Assign the 'Up Next' match to an available court (if manual)
King (Queen) of the Court
Select the players, set the number of courts & preferred match type for 1st round of matches & press GO
Enter the scores for each court
Generate the next round. Winners move up, losers move down. All parnters splits up.
Preferred Match Type selected will be applied where the group numbers permit:
Within Groups - players will be matched with other players from within the same group.
Adjacent Groups - players from a group will be partnered with a player from an adjacent group.
Alternate Groups - players from a group will be partnered with a player from a group 2 higher or lower.
InterGroup - two players from one group will play against two players from an adjacent group.
Mix it up - matches will be arranged between players from any of the groups.
Manual - players will need to be manually selected.
When the preferred match type cannot be generated, a hierarchy below is followed to try to get the next best match.
TIP: If you group players by gender and ability, you can use the Preferred Match Type to generate doubles and mixed doubles events with player of the same ability and balanced matches with players of a higher or lower grade/ability
Group 1 - Ladies 4.0
Group 2 - Men 4.0
Group 3 - Ladies 4.5
Group 4 - Men 4.5
Match examples:
Within Groups - 4 players from the same group playing doubles
Lady 4.0 & Lady 4.0 v Lady 4.0 & Lady 4.0 ,
Man 4.0 & Man 4.0 v Man 4.0 & Man 4.0
Adjacent Groups - Mixed doubles of same grade
Lady 4.0 & Man 4.0 v Lady 4.0 & Man 4.0,
Lady 4.5 & Man 4.5 v Lady4 .5 & Man 4.5
Alternate Groups - Doubles across two grades
Lady 4.0 & Lady 4.5 v Lady 4.0 & Lady 4.5,
Man 4.0 & Man 4.5 v Man 4.0 & Man 4.5
A warning will be provided when a two players have played together as partners previously. A warning will also be provided when a unique match cannot be generated. This warning means that 3 players have played together previously.
You can view the Stats page to review the player combinations and attempt to regenerate the matches if desired. Players are shuffled prior to each match selection.
The match emoji (if switched on in the Setup) will provide a guide to the quality of the each match. A 'Happy' emoji indicates that the match is of the match type requested. A 'Neutral' emoji indicates that a match could not be generated for the match type requested and this is the next best option eg if "Within Groups" was requested, the match is either "Adjacent Group" or "Alternate Group". A "Sad" emoji will indicate that a balanced match could not be generated with the players remaining.
Match Override
Any Social Doubles match can be manually edited by selecting the match (swipe from the left). You will be presented with a page similar to the Manual match page. The players will be displayed as automatically selected. The players available on the bench (including late arrivals) will be displayed (if any). The match can be updated with any of the players displayed by tapping to select players on each of the 4 positions. Players cannot be selected if they are already assigned to another court in the round. Select Save to update the match. The Matches screen will be updated with comment "Override" against any court that has been updated.
With the Organizer Plus and Club Pack editions, there is the ability to add another court to the last round that has been generated. Just click on the '+' in the footer (bench) row of the round. If there are at least 4 players available, you can add an additional court to the existing round. This is great for adding a match for those latecomers!
Note: Functionality is limited in the Free version. Upgrade to Organizer Plus or Club Pack to unlock extra features.