Here is a collection of the most frequently asked questions.
Refer to the list of FAQs below to get the most out of MatchUp - there's a lot of features you might not realize exist. If you cannot find the answer, contact us at matchup.support@icloud.com
In-App Purchases / Login
I have purchased an upgrade, can I put this on my club mates phone/iPad?
As with any App Store purchase, it is owned by the Account holder and can only be shared with family members.
I made an in-app purchase on my iPhone. Do I have to buy again to get the update on my iPad?
You only need to purchase once. To unlock the upgrade features on another device using your account, go to 'Settings -> Upgrade Options' and tap on 'Restore Purchases'.
I have setup a tournament. Can the players login and enter scores from their own device?
MatchUp runs standalone on your device and does not maintain a web backend. Therefore it is not possible for anyone to login to the event.
Players / Teams
Why should I group my players/teams?
Grouping your players/teams will provide for better quality matches and give you more control over the types of matches that you can generate (eg doubles, mixed doubles, team v team etc)
What is the best way to group players/teams?
For best results, it is good to group by gender and by grade/ability. For juniors, you might want to group by boys and girls & age groups. Each group is assigned a group type (Individuals, Teams, Fixed Pairs)
So for example, you could have:
Group 1 - Ladies 4.0
Group 2 - Men's 4.0
Group 3 - Ladies 4.5
Group 4 - Men's 4.5
Group 5 - Junior Girls
Group 6 - Junior Boys
Group 7 - Family Challenge A Grade (Fixed Pairs)
Group 10 - MIxed Teams Grade A (Teams)
But it really depends on your club. That's why the flexibility has been provided.
How many players should I put in a group?
The more the merrier! The more players you have in a group, the more opportunity each player will have to play with/against different players. It is recommended to have at least 4 players in a group.
I only have 2 players in one of my groups. Will they get any games?
Yes, all players will be allocated games evenly but these players may not get to play with players of similar ability/gender. This may have a detrimental impact on the other players that they are matched up with.
Can I have fixed pairs for my doubles matches?
Yes, but only for a Round Robin or Team Challenge style tournament.
For the Round Robin format, after you select the Fixed Pairs option, you can pair up the selected players.
For the Team Challenge format, you will need to set the player/team up with the names of both players eg Dianne & Gloria, Trish & Caroline. Then select the 'Fixed Pairs' format when generating the matches.
How do I put a player in multiple groups?
No. If for some reason you want to put a player into multiple groups, you will need to create another player alias to add in the 2nd group eg Dianne, Dianne B.
How do I delete a player?
Swipe on that player's name from the right. Tap on Delete.
How do I edit a player?
Swipe on that player's name from the left and select 'Edit'.
Can I move a player from one group to another?
Yes. Swipe on that player's name to edit and select the Group field. Scroll to select the new group and then save.
I typed in the name of the player wrongly. Can I update it?
Yes. Swipe the player's name from the left and it will give an edit option. Once updated and saved, the name will be updated for any current matches. Please note, the change will not be reflected in any saved matches.
I have 10 players but only 2 courts. Can I use the Round Robin Doubles and have two players with a bye each week?
Round robin doubles cannot be scheduled for 10 players.
The only option here would be to split your players into two groups of 5. You could then run a Round Robin Mixed Doubles and Round Robin Doubles events back to back to allow all players from 2 groups to mix, with 8 games each and 2 bye rounds each. For the mixed doubles event, a player will partner with a player from the other group. For the doubles event, the player will play with a partner and opponents from the same group in each round. Use the Combined Leaderboad if you want to aggregate points from both events.
How do I import players from a csv file?
The csv file must contain a heading for Name, Group, Email, Phone, Birthday, Notes, Member ID, Other ID, Rating.
The Name and Group fields are mandatory. The other fields are optional and values can be left blank. Group must contain a value between 1 and 12.
Save the csv file to your Files. From MatchUp Players tab, use the menu item 'Import Players' and select your file to load the players. Existing players will be updated if values have changed.
Setting up the Draw
What is the difference between Social, Round Robin and Team Challenge format?
Social - a flexible doubles format allowing you to control the number of rounds and courts. You can also decide how the games should be arranged in each round. If players arrive late, leave early or want to sit out a round, it is all catered for.
Round Robin - each player will play against every other player within the same group.
Team Challenge - each player will play against every other play in the other team/group competing in the Team Challenge. Only two teams (groups) can be selected for the Team Challenge.
For Social Doubles, you have the following options:
Rounds - all available players will be scheduled for each round as the number of courts permit. Players will be evenly rotated onto the bench. Ideal for timed rounds where all players start and end the matches at the same time.
King of the Court - after the scores are recorded for the round, winners will move up a court and losers will move down a court. All partners will split up.
Up Next - schedule the next match from a pool of available players. Useful when you don't want to play timed rounds.
For Round Robin and Team Challenge formats, there are a number of subformats:
Doubles - each player will partner with each other player once . The number of rounds will be one less than the number of players. The number of courts required will be the number of players divided by 4.
Singles / Fixed Pairs / Teams - each player, team or pair will play against each other player/team/pair once. If there is an odd number of players, each player/team/pair will have one bye. The number of rounds will be one less than the number of players (or equal to number of players if odd number of players). The number of courts required will be the number of players/pairs/teams divided by 2.
Round Robin Mixed Doubles - select 2 groups of players of an equal number. Each player in one group will play against every other player in the same group and with each player in the other group. Rank the players for an equitable schedule. Set up the player sequence for spouse avoidance.
What is the difference between all the 'Preferred Match Types'?
Good question! This is the only complex part to MatchUp.
Within Groups - all four players will be from the same group. Best for same grade/gender matches.
Adjacent Groups - a player and their partner will be from an adjacent group number eg Group 1 & Group 2 v Group 1 & Group 2. Great for mixed doubles if your ladies and men are in adjacent groups.
Alternate Groups - a player and their partner will be from an alternate group number eg Group 1 & Group 3 v Group 1 & Group 3. Could allow for lower grade players to partner with a higher grade players - good practice!
InterGroup - a player and partner will be from the same group and play against two players from an adjacent group eg Group 1 & Group 1 v Group 2 & Group 2. Useful for a team competition (eg Group 1 has team A players, Group 2 has team B players).
Mix it up - players will be mixed together from any of the groups. Perfect for small social groups when gender and grade don't matter.
Manual - you decide who plays with who. Great for that 1st round when players drift in and go on to the courts as they arrive.
A player was injured, can I put another player on the court?
Yes - for Social Doubles. Assuming you have some players 'On the Bench', you just need to tap on the match that needs to be changed. Once the new screen loads, just tap on the player to be replaced and scroll to pick a new player. This new combination will be taken into account when generating future rounds.
Don't forget to mark the injured player unavailable to avoid being selected in future rounds. If you have already generated all your future rounds, you might want to regenerate the unplayed rounds.
Why do I sometimes get a message warning that partners may not be unique?
As the number of rounds increases, the available combination of unique partners decreases. Sometimes the algorithm is not able to generate a match with unique partners. By taking the option to regenerate the round again, the algorithm may come up with a completely new set of matches with unique partners. By checking on the 'Stats' page, you can see who is paired with who more than once and decide if you want to regenerate the round.
Why do I sometimes get a message warning that matches may not be unique?
This is to let you know that there could be 3 players in a match that have previously played together. You should review the round and decide if you want to try to regenerate the round with possibly a different combination.
Can I swap players between 2 courts in Social Doubles?
Yes - there is a 3 step approach.
Swipe (from the left) for the Edit option on the first court that you want to change. For the player you wish to remove, scroll their name and replace them with the asterisk (*).
Swipe (from the left) for the Edit option on the second court and scroll on the player you are removing to replace with the player from the first court.
Swipe (from the left) for the Edit option on the first court again and scroll to replace the asterisk with the player from court 2.
Can I swap match court numbers?
With Club Pack, you can swap courts for matches within the same round, except for the following:
King of the Court matches
Playoff Matches
Tap on the Menu button and select 'Swap Courts'. Drag the match you want to swap and drop on the court you want to swap with. Other matches will not be affected. e.g. swap court 1 with court 3. Court 2 will remain the same.
I already generated the round and then 4 more players arrived. I have a spare court. Can I manually add these players to the round?
Yes - if you have upgraded to the Organizer Plus edition or Club Pack, you will see a plus (+) sign in the footer of the last round. Tapping on this will allow you to add a new court with the 4 players.
Managing Events
Can I start a round robin playoff without completing all the rounds?
Yes - if you have recorded scores for at least 1 round, you can select the option "End Rounds, Start Playoff' from the menu option. You will be presented with the choice of deleting all matches with no scores recorded or setting the score to 0-0 for those matches.
How is the leaderboard 'Results Factor' applied?
The results factor is applied to each score that a player has recorded and is in addition to points allocated for a win/draw/loss. It is a way of rewarding a player for the number of games they won.
For example, if you had 3 points for a win, 1 point for a loss and a results factor of 0.1:
a player winning 6-3 would be awarded 3.6 (3 points for the win and 6 * 0.1).
the losing opponent would be awarded 1.3 (1 points for the win and 3 * 0.1).
Can I combine results from several matches to find the overall leader?
Yes, there is a dais icon on the top right of the Saved Events view which activates the Combined Leaderboard. Once tapped, the icon will turn red. Select the events that you want to combine and tap the red dais icon again. A Combined Leaderboard will be displayed. By tapping on any one of the rows, you can see what points were earned in which event. Default points are used for the Combined Leaderboard. These can be set from the Setup tab. A report can be generated for the Combined Leaderboard.
Can I get a report of my match?
Yes, select the match from the Saved Events list and then tap on the Report button. The report will be displayed and can then be shared via email, airdrop, message etc. Sharing is not available in the free version. Use the 'Report Options' page to select the fields to include in your report.